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Dental Fillings in Hurstville

dr-mita-explaining-oral-careNo one likes being told they have a cavity, but modern dental fillings provide a durable solution to caries and tooth damage. Fillings help restore your smile without the pain or hassle of old-fashioned options.

Offering Three Types

At GC Dental, we provide the following types of fillings:

  • Composite – white restorations made from resin blend in with your natural tooth colour. They’re ideal for most cavities and offer excellent strength and aesthetics.
  • Ceramic – also known as inlays or onlays, ceramic fillings are custom-made from durable porcelain. They provide additional strength for larger cavities and are placed in a single visit using advanced technology.
  • Amalgam – although they have a longer life, they are less attractive and may expand with age, causing weakening. However, they are more cost-effective.

Many patients prefer white fillings as they are aesthetically pleasing, blend with natural teeth, preserve more of your natural tooth structure, and are mercury-free, offering a safer option for oral health. These restorations are also versatile for use in front and back teeth.

A Simple Process

The filling procedure is straightforward and pain-free. After numbing the area with local anaesthetic, we remove the decayed part of the tooth and prepare it for the restoration. The filling material is applied in layers and cured with a special light, ensuring a strong bond. Ceramic restorations are crafted using a digital scan of your tooth and placed on the same day. The entire process is quick and completed in a single visit.

Caring for Your Restoration

With proper care, your fillings may last over 20 years. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups will ensure the longevity of your restorations. You can eat and drink immediately after the procedure without discomfort.

Book an Appointment

Repair the damage and protect your new smile with a dental filling. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and restore your teeth to their natural beauty!


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Dental Fillings South Hurstville NSW | (02) 9547 2367